By Sahil Mehta
The first week of the hols has breezed past me. I’ve spent most of the time eating mom’s homemade lunches followed by dinner from some of the best joints in our vicinity. I’ve tried to plan my actions for the winter. It strikes me, that while it is easier to do what you want when you have all the time in the world; it takes much more effort to do the same. To paraphrase Gandhiji, I’ve seen nothing, heard nothing, said nothing. I have, however caught 3 movies in the halls/multiplexes in 3 days. Unsurprisingly, the Hindi movies were avoidable, and MI4 was only a reasonable justification for my valuable time, I enjoyed the experience nevertheless – probably because I hardly get to go the movies while in college. While most of the enjoyment has been due to the company, the sarcastic comments and the food that followed, there has been one another thing that I have enjoyed. It was to stand up and pay respects to the Jana Gana Mana just before the start of all the movies.
The first week of the hols has breezed past me. I’ve spent most of the time eating mom’s homemade lunches followed by dinner from some of the best joints in our vicinity. I’ve tried to plan my actions for the winter. It strikes me, that while it is easier to do what you want when you have all the time in the world; it takes much more effort to do the same. To paraphrase Gandhiji, I’ve seen nothing, heard nothing, said nothing. I have, however caught 3 movies in the halls/multiplexes in 3 days. Unsurprisingly, the Hindi movies were avoidable, and MI4 was only a reasonable justification for my valuable time, I enjoyed the experience nevertheless – probably because I hardly get to go the movies while in college. While most of the enjoyment has been due to the company, the sarcastic comments and the food that followed, there has been one another thing that I have enjoyed. It was to stand up and pay respects to the Jana Gana Mana just before the start of all the movies.
you can hardly call my obeisance to the national anthem as a source of
enjoyment, and indeed some of you might even take offense at my
description of the experience, I maintain that I have actually enjoyed
it. During my schooldays, when I still used to harbor dreams of
representing the country in sports, the national anthem was the ultimate
goal. That was the dream, to listen to the national anthem being played
in a stadium full of people, with a medal or a trophy in hand and the
tricolor flying high and proud. That dream has long since evaporated.
But listening to the rendition of the song by some of the legends of
Indian music has definitely brought back the nostalgia, the idealism and
the desire to do something for the country.

When we grew up, we respected
the national anthem because we were, as one of my friends pointed out,
“brainwashed” into it. I do not dispute the fact. We did it every day,
just because we had done it yesterday. As time went on, I did see people
who talked, or giggled, or fidgeted during the national anthem.
Teachers could no longer tell them not to because they were, well,
“grown up” now. I never could respect such people. Full of idealism,
rigid in my beliefs I always lost respect for people when such things
happened. Now, while it doesn’t seem that important or even necessary,
to stand up every time or every day, I still do it. And so do most other
people. Some do it due to social compulsion, some do it because it’s
the right thing to do, and some do it because they want to. It doesn’t
really matter that much why they do it, but when they do, they are all
one. For those 60 seconds, it doesn’t matter whether you’re from Mumbai
or ROI, it doesn’t matter whether you support Telangana or a United
A.P., it doesn’t matter whether you’re a Jat or Dalit or any other
caste. And it definitely doesn’t matter whether you support United or
Chelsea. Causes and beliefs become encompassed in one superior, binding
effect. We are united by a common trait, we are Indians.
This entire write-up is not just
because I wanted to post something. It is my argument in favor of
making it compulsory to play the national anthem before any large social
gathering all across the country.
Finally as promised, the national anthem and its translation in English :
Jaana Gaana Maana Adhinayaka Jayehe
Bharata bhagya vidhata;
Punjaba Sindhu Gujarata Maratha,
Dravida Utkala Banga,
Vindhya, Himachala, Jamuna, Ganga,
Ucchhala Jaladhitaranga;
Taba Shubha Naame Jaage
Taba Shubha Ashish Maage
Gaye taba jaya gaatha.
Jana gana mangala dayaka jaya he
Bharata bhagya vidhata.
Jaya he, jaya he, jaya he,
Jaya jaya jaya, jaya he!
Jaya jaya jaya, jaya he!
The English rendition of the song goes like this:
Thou art the ruler of the minds of all people,
Dispenser of India's destiny.
Thy name rouses the hearts of the Punjab,
Sind, Gujarat, and Maratha,
Of the Dravid, and Orissa and Bengal.
It echoes in the hills of Vindhyas and,
Himalayas, mingles in the music of the
Jamuna and the Ganges and is chanted by
the waves of the Indian sea.
The pray for the blessings,
and sing by the praise,
The saving of all people
waits in thy hand.
Thou dispenser of India's destiny,
Victory, victory, victory to thee.