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Don't Cough When You Kiss Me

 By Anuj Suri

You were wearing pink
And pink was my world then
With time written in all colors of ink

Come inside if you want the notebook
Come with me into the dark
And then we kissed, please take a look
If my sister’s still outside in the park

Yes she is, come kiss me again
And please turn off the only light
But instead I pushed you against the wall
I won’t, it’s making your wet lips shine so bright

Listen dog, don’t you do me wrong
Come hold my hand, let me show you the way
With different shades of darkness let us
Paint the picture of a perfect day

But now why aren’t you reaching out
Not holding my hand, not showing the way
To where you’ve planned to go alone
Are you moving on, are you going away?

Or are you already gone
And have I already been replaced
And has the picture of that perfect day
Already been defaced

You pervert, no, not that tight, hold me right
I know this is no dance to you
But you see this is the song of my life
No music, no lyrics….me and you

But I pushed you closer and I held you tighter
And baby I had my reasons too
It was half the warmth of your body
And half the fear of losing you.

You know you’re good at lip service, you said
And in all senses of the expression
I bit your lip and you whispered
Well, that statement’s open for reconsideration

We saw us rise, we saw us fall
And we saw you see me drown
You turned me on, you turned me off
And we saw you turn me down

That there, was the point of no return
On you and in you, in your bed
I coughed and said, “I’m cold”
And it was then that you said,”


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