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Memories Of Mist And Dew

By Aman Kumar

Memories of mist and dew,
They shall be so precious and few.
Their hue forever etched upon,
The canvas of your heart.
And the whisper of those moments,
Ever so echoing in your ears.

Sometimes feelings can’t take,
The guise of words,
Yet the eyes reveal a lot.

The moments we spend,
Shall never be comprehended by time,
But it shall forever run between the arms of,
Friendship and merriment.

And several years hence,
Looking out of your window,
To the distant horizon,
You would be reminded of,
Those Autumn where leaves,
Fall not but turn to gold.

And the mesmerizing winds of past,
Shall whistle the merry song,
Of kaleidoscope of beautiful moments,
Memories of mist and dew,
They shall be so precious and few. 

About the writer : I love writing, reading and listening to songs and I enjoy spending time with friends. I am an ardent fan of The Lord of the Rings(book).


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