They say cats have nine lives but Kenny seems to have countless! South Park’s most resilient resident completes the quartet which is the heart and soul of the show. Kenny McCormick is a manifestation of the typical small-town stereotype: “the poor kid”, which entails growing up against the backdrop of a large family, unemployed, alcoholic parents and cold waffles for dinner.
He’s friends with his fellow third graders, Stan and Kyle and deigns to acknowledge Cartman solely out of pity. His signature orange parka, drawn tightly at the face, muffles his speech a lot, making him illegible to the adults, but his friends understand him perfectly (when have adults ever understood kids?) But don’t go by his muffle, his words are pretty risqué and he’s a repository of all that concerns the birds and the bees. He enjoys jokes of a scatological nature and is willing to do anything to earn a quick buck or impress someone.

As is the norm, behind a lot of pointless drivel peddled by popular culture, there is an underlying facet of the human psyche. Kenny’s deaths have been thoroughly dissected by many, to give it a deeper meaning. Some say the recurring gag is a way of making us feel comfortable with the inevitability of death. But the show doesn’t always treat the subject with frivolity. The sensitive portrayal of the dilemma of euthanizing Kenny earned South Park its first Emmy! But allow me to add my interpretation to the growing list as well.
Don’t we all die a death everyday when we face humiliation, obstacles, failures? Death of our hopes, our dreams, our little endeavors. What we should be burying six feet under, instead of ourselves, is all the negativity and the naysayers’ unwanted tripe, and spring back to life again. A fresh start every time, a clean slate until it’s sullied again and allowed to fade into oblivion, by the strength of our will.
Kenny is actually a Messiah, showing us the temporal nature of existence. He’s like Jesus Christ, resurrecting himself every time, for the benefit of his loyal followers….okay so it was Cartman who got to play Christ (the tubbiest actor to portray Jesus in the history of the Re-enactment!) but Kenny’s still a Saviour, if you consider his un-muffled alter ego, Mysterion, the unknown protector, who watches over South Park, in the dead of the night.
Happy New Year guys!